For the first time since World War II, the world has united to defeat a global enemy. We are living in historic times of unrest and change.
Eight days ago, Governor Newsom delivered a stay at home
order to slow the spread of COVID-19. Although I’m beginning to get used to Zoom meetings, I am ready for a high-five or a hug from the people I’ve been meeting with online.
This past week, I was thinking about what a gift the elderly population are. I contacted my aging parents and my heart filled with gratitude for who they are and the fact that they are okay. I know this is not the case with many others.
To say it has been an interesting week is the greatest understatement of the year. I’ve become a homeschool dad, my office has moved to my couch, and I am in desperate need of a haircut.
While working from home, I occasionally find my thoughts drifting towards a possible fearful outcome or questioning a relational conflict I had recently. I have found myself asking questions like, “What if that situation happened?” or “Did that person mean that?” I know myself enough to know that if I choose to follow those thoughts, they will ultimately give birth to ugly twins called Suspicion and Criticism.
Some may mistake those thoughts for being “discernment”; I call them “demonically-inspired distractions.” They are like seeds, and entertaining them is like pouring water on the soil of my thoughts, granting permission for roots to grow. Eventually, those seeds sprout into beliefs that shape my new reality. Scary!
The entire world is moving in one direction to safeguard itself from an invisible enemy. And yet, we are simultaneously ignoring the symptoms of the unseen principalities that are at work over regions. These principalities are doing their best to keep people quarantined from the deep conviction that will transform controlled and powerless men into courageous conquerors.
Life is being shaken and idols have fallen. A defeated devil is looking for a voice to borrow in order to release fear, panic, temptation, division, hate, and hopelessness.
Minds that are saturated in pornography, greed, and self-gratification are being exposed as lies that don’t actually satisfy or bring life.
But God is at work, like a steady rock in the chaos. Unmoved, his voice brings peace and protection from the storm. There is an invitation for us to climb up the rock by going low in repentance, being washed in His blood, and receiving His mind needed to stand with Him, protected from the waves of uncertainty.
Knowing how to stand in today’s world is imperative.
At 19-years-old, I was battle-weary and had to learn how to prepare and protect myself by putting on each piece of the Armor of God before I started each day. It felt silly, at times, but it changed my life.
Here are some declarations to claim that will get you ready for battle:
1. America is in a war over the mind.
According to Paul the Apostle, in Ephesians 6:10-18, we are in a battle for the mind and need to be clothed in the Armor of God. As a Roman soldier would prepare himself for battle, we need to think with the mind of Christ to be ready for spiritual combat today.
- Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Being strong in the Lord comes from focusing on His Presence, letting go of distractions, and living from Heaven to Earth.
“I am strong in the Lord, my strength comes from His Presence.”
- Our battle isn’t against people, but demons and principalities that influence thought over regions.
Principality means “ruler” or “origin”, that seeks to control thoughts and reshape lives according to his lies. Most of this happens through media pollution and cultural pressure. There are lies being released from puppets who are controlled by the spirit of the age, giving opinions based on political correctness rather than facts and truth.
The gender confusion kids are battling is heartbreaking and wouldn’t be happening if parents and leaders would stand up and fight.
It’s time for leaders to quit bowing to the god of the age with our silence and, instead, declare the Gospel with conviction and authority that sets people free.
All attacks from the enemy come through thoughts or feelings. These fiery darts are an attempt to get you to doubt God, His work in your life, and who He says you are.
Principalities are on a megaphone over cities because someone with authority hasn’t exposed the lies and established the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven yet.
Will you be the one in your region to shift the atmosphere?
The battle you are facing today is the training ground for your tomorrow. You’ve got this!
“People are not my enemy. The devil is, and I have already won with Christ.”
2. Stand!
- Stand in the finished work of Christ and who God says you are, being clothed in the whole armor of God.
Many Christians today look like they just showed up for a bikini contest, not combat, with the amount of armor they are wearing. I don’t take a vacation from the helmet of salvation and I never put down my sword of the Spirit. I am always battle-ready!
The finished work of the cross declares that I died with Christ, and He lives in me. My past is gone and I am redeemed. I am no longer a sinner but a saint; no longer an orphan but a son or daughter of Heaven. When the enemy reminds you of your past, remind him of his future!
Stand in Christ! Do not be moved!
“I don’t fight for victory, I am already victorious in Christ. I fight from victory. I am forgiven, redeemed, filled with His Spirit and can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”
Ironically, the belt on a Roman soldier held all the armor in place. Truth holds us together. Truth means reality - nothing hidden, no deceit.
The enemy blackmails us with lies, secrets, and things in the dark.
1 Peter 1:22-23 says, “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart”
“I walk in the Spirit of Truth. I have an honest and noble character. I am a man/woman of Truth!”
- Breastplate of Righteousness
Romans 1:17 says,”For in the gospel, a righteousness from God is revealed; a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”
You no longer have a bad heart. You have been made new from the inside.
1 Peter 1:23 “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.”
“I have been made righteous from the inside-out. I have a good heart that has been made new.”
- Feet prepped in the Gospel of peace.
The peace of God is not the absence of chaos, it’s the presence of a person: Jesus. Everywhere your feet go, you bring peace. It’s not something you strive to get, but a Presence you rest in.
“Every place my feet touch, comes under the peace of God because I carry the Prince of Peace.”
- Above all, taking the shield of faith to quench fiery darts from the enemy.
Faith means to be fully convinced; persuaded; assurance. I never focus on how much faith I have, but how much He has. My faith is in His faithfulness.
The tip of a fiery dart of the enemy is dipped in doubt, temptation, accusation, and comparison before he shoots it at you. The Roman shield was covered in leather and dipped in water to extinguish the enemy. Be sure your faith has been dipped in the river of God before you hit the battlefield.
Praise and worship is the greatest way we can activate our faith. It’s impossible to fully worship with your eyes on yourself or the enemy. The battle is won. Look at Jesus and give Him praise!
“I was made for worship. I will lift my voice in praise and silence the enemy.”
- Take the helmet of salvation.
Paul admonished us in Romans 12:2 “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
1 Corinthians 2:16 says, “But we have the mind of Christ.”
A helmet protects you from the outside in, not the inside out.
“The Holy Spirit lives in me and is giving me the thoughts of Heaven. I have the mind of Christ.”
- The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Of all the weaponry, this is the only offensive piece!
In the Greek, the word “word” means rhema which means “saying” or “statement” - that which is said.
Just like the Lord in Revelation 1:16, “Out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword,” we have to have a sword in our mouths. It’s time to use it!
Many of us are just holding on, taking a beating. It’s time to stand up and swing your sword!
“I am a child of God. No weapon forged against me shall prosper. I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus! I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!”
3. Our minds will follow our movements.
Physical obedience will bring spiritual breakthrough.
It’s time to take all of this and put it together in prayer. Lift your hands and give God praise for winning the battle of the mind. Give Him praise for each piece of armor, allowing your thoughts to align with Heaven, who he says you are, and then stand victoriously in Christ!
My hope for you:
I pray that you would recognize what is happening in the unseen realm and stand as a noble warrior, knowing that the battle belongs to the Lord and we’ve already won. Christ in us is using all the adversity we face for our good and for His Glory.
So for now, let’s cover our shaggy, in-need-of-a-cut hair in the helmet of salvation, and put on the Lord Jesus Christ and stand!